Site-specific visual yield determination in seed potato harvesting

Multiple projects, among which TTADDA, have contributed to the successful development of a precision camera-based potato yield mapping system. This visual yield mapping system is the next step in closing the precision agriculture cycle, providing crystal-clear insights in the potatoes harvested per square meter.
Until now, automated yield mapping for root crops only measured gross yield by weight, which gave no indication on quality parameters. The prototype visual yield mapping system is able to distinguish every individual tuber, resulting in a count, size-measurement and weight-estimation. With this tool, farmers can start seeing the effects of their in-season decisions on product quality, which especially in seed potato production is key. We can now start closing the precision agriculture cycle by accurately measuring our results and by using these results to improve our management the next growing season, which is an important step forward.
More info: Video: site-specific visual yield determination in seed potato harvesting –
Photo: Koos Groenewold
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