Work Packages overview
Overview of the 7 work packages in the TTADDA project and how they are connected.
WP1 - Above ground multi sensor plant stress
Leader: Gerrit Polder
Virtual mission Japan
Short summary / roundtable session
WP2 - Below ground sensor fusion tubers in soil
Leader: Joseph Peller
Partner: IMEC
Short summary / roundtable session
WP3 - Data structuring
Leader: Bernardo Maestrini
Partner: NTT Data
NTT B2match
Short summary / roundtable session
WP4 - Use cases
Leader: Koen van Boheemen & Corne Kempenaar
Partner: Kubota
Machines in Data Driven Agriculture
Short summary / roundtable session
WP5 - Link & disseminate
Leader: Keiji Jindo
WP6 - NARO/Japan
Leader: Jochen Hemming
Partner: NARO
Short summary / roundtable session
WP6 facilitates the collaboration between the Japanese consortium partners, specifically NARO, and WUR. Within this WP the activities carried out in The Netherlands in the technical WPs of TTADDA (above ground sensing, below ground sensing, data structuring, use cases) are aligned with potato research activities done by NARO in Japan. Researchers from both organizations will discuss progress on a regular base and will exchange data, methods and results for mutual benefit.
WP7 - Project management
Leader: Rick van de Zedde
Partner: NPEC